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Proceedings and presentations of conferences



Here, a selection of presentations and proceedings of conferences, debates, seminars on three widely debated topics, and some general materials. Almost all documents are from the last 3 years....


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Actas de Conferencias y Presentaciones



Encuentre aquí una selección de presentaciones y actas de conferencias, debates, seminarios en tres temas ampliamente debatidos de algunos materiales generales además. La mayoría de documentos son de los últimos 3 años…




Biofuels and Biodiversity

 Bindraban (2007) Soil quality and bioenergy, WUR.pdf

 CBD COP9 (2008) Final draft EU speaking points_Biofuels.doc

 CBD SBSTTA (2008) Potential impact of biofuels on biodiversity - COP9.doc

 Ecofys (2008) Background paper Biofuels and Biodiversity workshop Shell - IUCN.pdf

 EEA (2008) Bioenergy production - environmental assessment framework, US-EC WS.pdf

 Faaij (2007) Rationale for sustainable biofuels, Copernicus Institute.ppt

 Ifeu and OEKO (2008) biofuel and biodiversity - legal initiatives in the EU.ppt

 OEKO (2008) EEA study Biomass in Europe.ppt

 OEKO and Ifeu (2008) Biodiversity, bioenergy and landuse.ppt

 UNEP & WCMC (2008) Biofuel & biodiversity - the RSB.ppt

 UNEP (2008) Biodiversity, Bioenergy and landuse.ppt

 WWF (2007) Strengthening government capacities to implement CBD activities.pdf

 Zuurbier (2008) EtOH Brazil no Deforestation in Amazon, WUR.pdf


Biofuels and Food-Feed-Livelihood

 Banse (2007) Bioenergy and Food Security, LEI.pdf

 Both ENDS (2008) Expert meeting agrofuels.doc

 BOTH ENDS (2008) Expert meeting agrofuels.pdf

 Combe (2005) UNCTAD Biofuels Initiative - presentation IEA Task 40 meeting.pdf

 FAO (2007) Bioenergy and food security - Technical consultation proceedings.pdf

 FAO (2008) High level Conference on World Food Security framework.pdf

 Haverkort et al (2007) Food, fuel or forest, proceedings, WUR.pdf

 Lumuru (2008) Palm oil in Indonesia and biofuel market demand, Sawit Watch.ppt

 Mol (2008) Biofuel controversies in a globalizing world.doc

 Mol (2008) Powerpoint Biofuel controversies in a globalizing world - presentation.pdf

 Rodrigues & Ortiz (2006) Brazil Ethanol Sustainability, NatBrazil & VitaeCivilis.pdf

 Rutz and Janssen (2008) Biofuel sustainability standards in Africa - COMPETE project, WIP.ppt

 Unilever (2006) Food and biofuels.ppt

 Utria (2005) Advancing Modern Bioenergy in Africa, WB.pdf


Biofuels and GHG & Energy

 CEPA (2007) California's low carbon fuel standard.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard compliance and enforcement.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard compliance and enforcement_2.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard compliance and enforcement_3.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard LCA.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard LCA_2.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard LCA_3.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard policy and regulations.pdf

 CEPA (2007) Low carbon fuel standard policy and regulations_2.pdf

 CEPA (2008) California's low carbon fuel standard.pdf

 CEPA (2008) Low carbon fuel standard compliance and enforcement.pdf

 CEPA (2008) Low carbon fuel standard LCA.pdf

 Crutzen et al (2007) N2O release from agro-biofuel production and global warming, ACPD.pdf

 Faaij (2006) The global dimensions of bioenergy markets.pdf

 Fehrenbach (2008) GHG accounting methodology and data in German BSO, IFEU.pdf

 Fritsche (2006) Sustainable biofuels, environmental considerations.pdf

 GEF-STAP (2006) Biofuels Workshop Report final, UNEP.pdf

 GTZ (2006) Biofuels, a vision incorporating developing countries.pdf

 Hennenberg & Fritsche (2008) Sustainable biofuels - Land use related GHG, OEKO.pdf

 O'Hare (2007) The low carbon fuel standard, Berkeley.pdf

 O'Hare (2008) GHG emissions from indirect land use change, Berkeley.pdf

 Schmitz (2006) Biofuels in Europe-perspectives and policy approaches.pdf

 World Watch Institute (2006) Biofuels for transportation.pdf

 Yongjie (2004) Progress and prospect for fuel alcohol from waste cellulose.pdf

 Zhenhong & Yongjie (2006) Technology progress and prospect for fuel ethanol from farm waste.PPT


General Documents

 Almeida (2007) Econ, socio, env performance of biofuels Brazil (Paris IEA), IE.pdf

 Best & Rose (2005) Sustainability Assessment Biomass - presentation IEA Task 40, FAO.pdf

 BiofuelWatch (2006) Biofuels renewable energy or environmental disaster.pdf

 BMU (2008) Presentation German BSO - Delbrueck.pdf

 Denruyter (2007) Sustainability of Bioenergy - Presentation IEA Task 40, WWF.pdf

 Dornburg (2007) Bioenergy potential and biodiversity, water, food.pdf

 EC DG-TREN (2008) Biofuel sustainability in EU RED - WIREC presentation.pdf

 Embrapa (2008) Agroecological zoning for palm oil in amazone region Brazil.ppt

 Fritsche (2008) BIAS Analytical Framework - FAO Technical consultation, OEKO.pdf

 Goosen (2006) Biofuels Policy Options - Agri Outlook 2006, SPS.ppt

 Holmlund (2005) Risk Assessment Bio - presentation IEA Task 40, UNEP.pdf

 IPC & REIL (2006) WTO Disciplines and Biofuels - opportunities and constraints.pdf

 IRGC (2007) Risks and opportunities of bioenergy - Workshop Summary Statement.pdf

 JRC & EEA (2006) Mediterranean Bioenergy Workshop Proceedings.pdf

 Junginger (2007) Lessons from European bioenergy policies - IEA Task 40 paper, Copernicus institute.pdf

 Moreira (2008) Sustainability criteria for biomass - WIREC presentation, CENBIO.pdf

 OECD (2004) Biomass and agriculture - Lessons from conference.pdf

 US-EPA (2008) Sustainable production of biofuels - WIREC presentation.pdf

 Woods (2007) Environmental Certification of Biofuels - OECD Paris.pdf 


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