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The Development Policy Review network (http://www.DPRN.nl) promotes informed debate and synergy between scientists, policymakers, development practitioners and entrepreneurs. DPRN has a web portal which provides searchable access to development expertise in the Netherlands and Belgium (http:// www.global-connections.nl) and a repository for publications of Dutch development organizations (http://www.Search4Dev.nl). 



Scientists and NGOs have met in DPRN Agrofuels Platform

Questioning the points of departure for biofuels policies


In the Netherlands,  many NGOs and researchers with Southern contacts are actively searching and developing knowledge on the topic of biofuels, with special attention to agrofuels and its impacts on landscapes and people. More and better knowledge exchange and research is indispensable to more accurately inform energy and land use policy and practice. There  is an urgent need for more information regarding the effects of biofuel production on people and the environment. Policymakers, however, tend towards impatience and may take decisions on the basis of assumptions, while their underlying motives are not always properly communicated. These decisions can have large consequences. A reason why Both ENDs took the initiative to convene a knowledge platform in which Dutch academics and NGOs meet, in order to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration for research & policy advise, between them and their Southern partners.  The platform is supported by the Development Policy Review network and referred to as the ’agrofuels platform’. We decided to use the term agrofuels, because we are interested in the production of energy crops on agricultural lands, while the term biofuels also covers fuels produced from waste products, algae, etc.


NatureandPoverty.net, of which Both ENDS is a member, played the role of supporter to this process, and facilitated online knowledge exchange within this platform's network. By locating this webpage within the existing WIKI for knowledge exchange for a wider NGO/researchers audience, NatureandPoverty.net hopes to stimulate mutual enrichment with good materials and insights.


On 3 July 2009, some members of the platform organized a full day workshop on agrofuels at the CERES summer school in Nijmegen.  One of the topics was the recently published report of P. Brindraban et al (2009) which was written especially for policy purposes.


The platform has organized a closed expert meeting with scientists and policymakers which was held on FEBRUARY 18th 2010 in the Hague.


Burning Questions, DPRN expert meeting on Agrofuels

Debate between Dutch policy makers and scientists held Feb 18th 2010

Facilitated by Heleen van den Hombergh & Paul Wolvekamp



DPRN (2010) Burning Questions Summary of Debate on Agrofuels Feb 2010.pdf


Discussion paper that was made to prepare for the meeting:

Kusters et al (2010) Burning Questions, DPRN discussionpaper Agrofuels, final version.pdf


Practical info: the invitation and list of participants: 

Uitnodiging DPRN Agrobrandstoffen discussie 18 februari 2010.doc

Lijst genodigden voor DPRN Agrofuels discussie-2.doc



Who formed part of this knowledge platform?

Coordination platform: Karen Witsenburg, BOTH ENDS kw(at)bothends.org (starting mid July 2009).

Knowledge sharing: Heleen van den Hombergh, Natureandpoverty.net/IUCN NL, heleen.vandenhombergh(at)iucn.nl.

-  Other members of the platform: AMIDST/UvA (Ton Dietz, Koen Kusters), Cordaid (Dicky de Morree, Kor Voorzee), Mekon Ecology (Peter de Koning), Alterra (Coen Ritsema), ETC (Tim Mulder, Heleen Broekkamp), WUR/Law and Governance Group (Otto Hospes and Han van Dijk), CML-VU (Denyse Snelder), IUCN NL (Danielle de Nie).


Here's the end-report written by contract holder Both ENDS

DPRN - Phase II Report 19 - Agrofuels Platform final report.pdf


See the profiles of the participating organizations and contact persons below






 ETC International.doc

 Law and Governance Group.doc


 NatureandPovertynet-IUCN NL.doc 



KICK-OFF MEETING Platform Feb 27th 2009, 10.30-12.30 at Both ENDS offices.

SECOND Platform Meeting June 17th 2009, 10.30-13:00 at Both ENDS offices

SUMMER SCHOOL July 3rd 2009 at Nijmegen University

WORKSHOP MACROEFFECTS BE/IUCN NL August 20th 2009, at VROM, the Hague

DPRN EXPERT MEETING Feb 18th 10:00-17:00 at 7AM, the Hague


Documents used for input Meeting June 17th 09

DPRN report biofuels_first draft.doc

Bindraban et al (2009) Can biofuels be sustainable by 2020, Scientific and policy analysis.pdf

Both ENDS (2008) Whither EU biofuels.doc

BothENDS (2008) Agrofuels and land distribution.pdf

Cramer Brief 20 procentbiobrandstoffe 8Juni 2009.doc

IUCN (2008) Position paper biofuels COP9.pdf

Oxfam (2008) Another InconvenientTruth.pdf

WWF (2008) Position paper on bioenergy.pdf

WWF (2008) Climate and energy package position statement to EU.pdf

Q&A tweede generatie biobrandstoffen_dec2008.pdf


Collective activities.


Summerschool July 3 09

Workshop on Impact and Drivers of Biofuel Production 230609-2.doc

 List of invitees:

090616 Lijst genodigden Summer School workshop biofuels_rev pw.doc

List participants:

DPRN Biofuel workshop 03-07-09.xls

 Please see the presentation of Otto Hospes:

 PP_3_juli_2009_CERES_summerschool Otto Hospes.ppt

 Please see the presentation of Marc Schut:

20090703 - Presentation Marc Schut-1.pdf 

Presentation of WAB study for Nijmegen workshop, Sjaak Conijn.ppt


Workshop proceedings of Macro effects of biofuel production, 20 August 2009 at the Ministry of VROM

Macro effects of agrofuels production in Indonesia 20-08-2009.pdf

Presentation Nathalie van Haren Nederland 20-08-2009.pdf

Presentation Cris PPT Maceffec Brasil 20-08-2009.pdf


Some knowledge network & research products of  participants



Dietz (2009) Ecosopace human space and climate change. Chapter 3 of Salih, Climate Change and sustainabale Development.pdf

 Drynet & Both ENDS (2008) The biofuel boom and its consequences for drylands.doc

 BothENDS (2008) Agrofuels and land distribution.doc

 Both ENDS (2008) Whither EU biofuels.doc

 Biomassa Factsheet 2e generatie biobrandstoffen.pdf 

 De Nie, D en E Blom (2008) Feiten en cijfers over bio-energie in Nederland.pdf 

 De Nie, D (2007) Biomassa - Artikel in de e&o-1.pdf



Phillippines CML biofuel workshop Jan 09 short description DS.doc

Phillippines CML biofuel workshop Jan 09 long description.doc 



van den Hombergh (2009) Kick off meeting Biofuels Network Plate River Basin.doc

Proposal Biofuels Brazilie WUR & Cordaid short.doc

Proposal Biofuels Brazilie WUR, ICCO en anderen.doc

Stattman et al (2008) Exploring biodiesel production in Brasil.pdf





Other recommended reading  see diverse subject on this wiki, among others:

http://www.corbey.nl/index.asp?page_id=150 (Adviezen Commissie Corbey!)


Bindraban et al (2009) Can biofuels be sustainable by 2020, Scientific and policy analysis.pdf

http://www.fairbiotrade.org/ (Faaij, Kwant ea)

Action Aid (2010) Meals per gallon, industrial biofuels and hunger.pdf

IUCN (2009) Statement on EC ILUC Pre-Consulation 31Jul09.pdf

Oxfam (2008) Another InconvenientTruth.pdf

WBGU (2009) Bioenergy Factsheet.pdf

BothENDS (2008) Agrofuels and land distribution.doc

Colchester et al (2006) Promised Land (on land aquisition for palm oil in Indonesia), FPP and Sawit Watch.pdf

Wicke, Faaij et al (2008) Palm oil and land use change in Indonesia and Malaysia, Copernicus Institute.pdf

Biomassa Factsheet 2e generatie biobrandstoffen.pdf

Searchinger (2008) Land use change for biofuels and GHG - Supporting material, Science.pdf

SenterNovem (2008) Brochure Biomassa Hot Issue Slimme keuzes in moeilijke tijden.pdf




















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