


 Alterra & IIEEP (2007) Response to EC DG-TREN biofuel consultation.pdf

 BMU (2008) German Biofuels Sustainability Ordinance.pdf

 BTG (2008) Sustainability criteria and certification Systems_Biomass.pdf

 Cramer (2006) Criteria for sustainable biomass production.pdf

 Cramer (2007) Testing framework for sustainable biomass.pdf

 DEFRA (2006) UK Report Biofuel to EU.pdf

 E4tech (2007) RTFO carbon reporting methodology.pdf

 EC (2008) - proposal for EU directive on renewable energy.pdf

 EC (2008) Coreper FQD Decision Biofuel Criteria.pdf

 EC (2008) impact assessment directives on climate change & renewable energy_annex.pdf

 EC (2008) proposal for EU directive on renewable energy_support document.pdf

 EC DG-TREN (2006) Review of EU Biofuels Directive - consultation paper.pdf

 EC DG-TREN (2008) Presentation new biofuels policy.pdf

 ECCM (2006) LowCVP Environmental Standards.pdf

 Ecofys (2007) Harmonised sustainable biomass certification scheme.pdf

 Ecofys (2007) RTFO Sustainability Reporting Framework.pdf

 ENDS (2006) Stakeholders call for revised EU biofuel rules.pdf

 EP (2007) Report on proposal Fuel Quality Directive.doc

 EP (2008) Report on proposal Renewables Directive.pdf

 IFEU (2008) Methodology for biofuels - Background Paper BSO Default Values.pdf

ISCC (2009) Taking off , about ISCC certification of biofuels.pdf

 IUCN NL De Nie (2009) EU Directive Renewable Energy compared to Dutch NTA 8080.pdf

 MNP (2008) Consequences EU Renewables Directive for biofuels.pdf

 OEKO-IFEU (2008) GHG Balances for Biomass - Issue Paper BXL Workshop.pdf

 Schlegel & Kaphengst (2007) EU policy and bioenergy, role of sustainability criteria and certification.pdf

 UK Forestry Commission (2004) UK Forestry Standards.pdf

 UK-Gov (2007) RTFO reporting - Consultation paper.pdf

 UK-Gov (2007) RTFO reporting - Consultation.pdf

 UK-Gov (2008) RTFO reporting - requirements and guidance.pdf

 UK-SDC (2006) Response to RTFO.pdf

 WWF (2007) Q&A on report Harmonised biomass certification schemes.pdf



Links to other web-based sources

Link to the published text of the European Renewable Eneergy Sources Directive

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