



See general introduction page


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 Banse & Grethe (2007) Effects potential new biofuel directive EU landuse agricultural markets.pdf

 Baral and Guha (2004) Trees for carbon sequestration or fossil fuel substitution, Biomass and Bioenergy.pdf

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 Campbell et al (2009) Biofuels and biodiversity - assessment of impact and policy responses.pdf 

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 Christian Aid (2009) Growing pains, the possibilities and problems of biofuels.pdf

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 EMPA (2007) Bioenergie_LCA_Summary.pdf

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 EPA (2007) Sustainability Strategy.pdf

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 FAO (2007) Bioenergy and food security - Project Overview.pdf

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 Fargione et al (2008) Land clearing and the biofuel carbon debt, Science.pdf

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 Firbank (2008) Assessing ecological impacts bioenergy projects.pdf

 Farrel and O'Hare (2008) GHG emissions from indirect land use change - response to CARB, Berkeley.pdf

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 Food First (2008) The Agrofuels Trojan Horse, biotechnology and the corporate domination of agriculturef.pdf

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 Gnansounou et al (2008) Accounting indirect land use chang in GHG balance biofuels.pdf 

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 GFC Smolker et al. (2009) True costs Agrofuels impacts.pdf

 GMF (2007) EU and US Policies on Biofuels - Potential Impacts on Developing Countries.pdf

 GRAIN (2007) Jatropha, the agrofuel of the poor- Seedling.pdf

 GTAP (2008) Impact biofuels on world agricultural markets.pdf

 Gurgel_Reilly_Paltsev (2007) Potential LanD Use Implications of Global Biofues Industry, JAFIO.pdf

 Helmholtz gemeinschaft (2005) Assessing Large Scale Env Risks for Biodiv, Gaia.pdf

 Hertel et al (2007) The Biofuels Boom, implications for world food markets.doc

 Hivos (2008) Publication Food, Feed and Fuels.pdf

 Hivos (2008) Summary Food, Feed and Fuels.pdf 

 Hunt (2008) Biofuels, neither saviour nor scam.pdf

 IATP (2008) Biofuel and Global Biodiversity (cases Brazil, Malaysia, Indonesia, US).pdf

 IFPRI (2006) Promises and Challenges of Bioenergy for the Poor in Developing countries.pdf

 IIED (2006) Biofuels production, trade and sustainable development.pdf

 IIED and FAO (2008) The biofuels boom and poor people's access to land.pdf

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 IMF, OECD World bankl (2008) Workshop on Food and Fuel Prices.pdf

 Johnson & Rossillo-Calle (2006) Biomass, Livelihoods, International Trade, SEI.pdf

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 Kim et al (2009) Biofuels, Land Use Change GHG emissions - Some Unexplored Variables.pdf

 Knauf et al (2007) The challenge of sustainable bioenergy - Discussion paper.pdf

 Knauf et al (..) NGO response to Biofuelwatch comments on bioenergy challenge.pdf

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 Liska et al (2009) Improvement life cycle energy efficiency and GHG emission corn-ethanol.pdf

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 Mathews & Tan (2009) biofuels and indirect land use change effects - debate continues.pdf

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 Mol (2007) Boundless Biofuels, between environmental sustainability and vulnerability.pdf

 NAS (2007) Water implications of biofuels_USA (brief).pdf

 ODI (2007) Biofuels, agriculture and poverty reduction.pdf

 ODI (2008) Review indirect effects biofuels- Economic benefits_and_food_insecurity.pdf

 OECD (2006) Agricultural market Impacts of Future Growth in the Production of Biofuels.pdf

 OECD, Doornbos & Steenblik (2007) Biofuels, is the cure worse than the disease.pdf

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 Peters & Thielmann (2008)  Promoting biofuels. Implications for developing countries.pdf

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 Plieninger and Bens (2008) How the emergence of biofuels challenges environmental conservation.pdf 

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 Rajagopal et al (2007) Challenge biofuel - filliing tank without emptying stomach.pdf

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 Scharlemann and Laurance( 2008) How green are Biofuels. Science.pdf

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 SCOPE (2009) Intro - Biofuels and Environment 21st Century.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) What are the Final Land Limits.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Social and Distributional Impacts of Biofuel Production.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Quantifying Environmental Impacts of Biofuel Production.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) GHG Implications of Land Use and Land Conversion to Biofuel Crops.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Future Feedstock for Biofuel Systems.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Executive Summary rapid assessment biofuels and environment.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Energy Balance & GHG Emissions of Biofuels from a Life Cycle Perspective.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Crops for Biofuels - Current Status and Prospects for the Future.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Biofuels in Developing Countries.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Biofuels & Water.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Biodiversity Consequences of Increased Biofuel Production.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Air Quality Issues Associated with Biofuel Production and Use.pdf

 SCOPE (2009) Mitigation Strategies - Biofuel Dev Considerations to Minimize Impacts Socio Env.pdf

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 World Bank (2007) Biofuels Promise and Risks.pdf


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