
Indigenous Peoples and impacts of biofuels



Why a special category for Indigenous Peoples (IPs) here? Because this is a request of one of our members, the NCIV, who want to further explore the theme in the coming times. There will be double uploads or links to other spaces at the website, to not isolate this issue from others where indigenous peoples issues should also be represented. For a good overview of the relevance of standards for IPs see the presentation of Nina Holland during the Expert Meeting May 2009.





NCIV (ed) (2009) FINAL Report EU Expert Dialogue on Indigenous Peoples, REDD and Biofuels 8 May 2009.pdf   

Holland (2009) Biofuel-Certification-Schemes and Indigenous Peoples.pdf

Vlist, van der (2009) EC sustainability criteria biofuels.pdf


Asia, including special case West Kalimantan

Colchester et al (2006) Promised Land (land aquisition for palm oil Indonesia).pdf

ECOFYS, WWF (2010) Responsible Cultivation Areas, Indonesia.pdf

FOE Sawit Watch & Life Mosaic (2008) Losing Ground, human rights impacts oilpalm Indonesia(1).pdf

Pinto (2009) Eat biofuels in asia.pdf

Sirait (2009) IPs and oil palm expansion West Kalimantan, pg 1-36.PDF

Sirait (2009) IP palm oil West Kalimantan pg 37-72.PDF

Sirait (2009) IPs Palm Oil West Kalimantan pg 73-102.PDF



Standards and criteria

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